ThepermitteemustprovidetheEPAandtheIDEQwithwritten notificationthattheQAPhasbeendevelopedandimplemented within90daysaftertheeffectivedateofthispermit(seePart II.E.). 3.NPDESApplication Renewal Theapplicationmustbesubmittedatleast180daysbeforethe expirationdateofthepermit(seePartV.B.). ...
However, the refinery was facing a NPDES permit renewal, in which the new total cyanide limit was expected to be 1.0 ppb, the water quality standard (WQS) for cyanide in marine waters. To address the looming compliance issue, the refinery took a multi-faceted approach, including consideration...
However, the refinery was facing a NPDES permit renewal, in which the new total cyanide limit was expected to be 1.0 ppb, the water quality standard (WQS) for cyanide in marine waters. To address the looming compliance issue, the refinery took a multi-faceted approach, including consideration...