Susan H. RichardsonState Bar of Georgia Environmental Law
The Phase II General Permits, authorized by the Federal Clean Water Act2 (CWA) and the Georgia Water Quality Control Act,3 replace the NPDES General Permit No. GAR 100000 (Phase I General Permit) that was in effect from Aug. 1, 2000 to July 31, 2003 and regulated construction sites ...
*NPDESGeneralPermits–FeeFormand FactSheetareavailableontheGAEPD andGSWCCwebsites: .gaepd / (Permit Reference: Part II.D.) Part I – Coverage under the Permits Terms of the Permit PRIMARY PERMITTEE must have at least one “certified person” (Level IA) on-site resp...
31. Evenhen,ometateslready willaveinalizedoretringent versionsfhefederal law.OW ITAMEBOUT.he needor general National Pollutant Discharge Eliminationystem permitopply pesticidesorosquitoes,orestanopy pests,ndquatic weedsnd pestsesultedrom 2009ixthircuitourtulinghatlassified pesticide dischargeso.S. ...