当前评分: 289.8功能说明 更新日志 历史版本 安装说明 392 58 最后更新:2025-02-15 22:00 插件大小:194.93kb 最新版本号:NPCsMarkers 2.00 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Zaxted 基础指南 怀旧服问题汇总:插件、字体、防暂离等 字体字型修改教程 宏编写指南 插件知识普及&进阶应用 客户端 魔兽世界大脚 迅游加速...
NPCs markers data can be saved and restored with the corresponding menu items, so the DM can participate in other roleplays without losing the current data. To clean all NPCs markers data, use the corresponding menu item. This will prevent to populate the DM interface with old NPCs in futur...
The markers come with two variants that can open a hole where it is placed for use with windows, and a variant that will open a hole and place a ladder. NPCs should not use the Captain's Quarters furniture as an extra level of privacy.A special thanks to TankGirl444 and JMPZ11 for...