OnLeft 4 Dead: Survivors, every single NPC character got a new voice actor, even the originalSurvivorsduringThe Passing, which were dubbed in Japanese. Chicago Ted's graffiti is based on a real piece of graffiti found by Erik Wolpaw and Sean "Seanbaby" Reilly.[7] ...
Once you have discovered everything in the First Sea, you can explore the Second Sea (sometimes called the New World) which contains 10 different landmarks. You will need to complete the quests from the Military Detective NPC in the Prison POI before unlocking this area. Second Sea map King...
In the latest update forFinal Fantasy VII Rebirth, the second in a trilogy of games Square Enix hasremadefrom Final Fantasy VII, we get a fresh look at some of the NPCs Cloud and company will meet on theirjourney across the worldchasing the black-caped Sephiroth. These charact...
Will also be the name shown if you leave the second entry blank. Name: Will be shown in the first table column. Can be a link to a related page, a {{Reference}} call, or whatever. If Name is empty, defaults to Anchor. Description: Whatever seems relevant - physical description, ...
helped Anton learn about Nadinis's Temple of the Sky that was smitten into the sea (Nov 1511)[11] cautioned that finding the sunken temple was not Nadinis's will, but that she herself wouldn't get in the way (3 Feb 1512)[12] antagonistic towards the McGarys, especially Anton, aft...
Related Events: In the park's hunting area, seeking out 'AngieTrapped' for the first time will return you to the gift shop, with Angie as a functional NPC. Seeking 'AngieTrapped' for a second time will reward the player with a catnip toy, which unlocks sexual scenes with her. After su...
Nothing you're doing in your event is CPU-intensive and it shouldn't cause any significant lag unless you leave it the way it is so that it's processing 60 times per second and then you fill your map up with that. It should be fine if you just add some...
Second, the battle with the skum and its leader ended up being awesome--as the party engaged with the mooks in the front room, it gave the leader time to get their spells up. I did, however, boost the numbers of skum, and add a cordulegaster from the bestiary to D8. So I ended...
For only 300 wood the second half of the beach will allow you to collect a variety of sea-oriented items every day including mussels and sea urchins. These items hold some monetary value and are great gifts for most of the villagers. ...
Like A Dwarf In A Mine (87992, 37153), -- Olaf, Time-Lost Vikings (87994, 37230), -- Moroes, Bloody Expensive (87994, 37157), -- Moroes, Feeling A Bit Morose (87995, 37155), -- Fleet Master Seahorn, The Brass Compass (87995, 37231), -- Fleet Master Seahorn, The Search Cont...