Below are all the islands in the First Sea in Blox Fruits in level order, as well as every NPC, quest, and boss present in the area. Starter Pirate Island Level Requirements: Starter Island NPC: 2 Boat Dealers, Luxury Boat Dealer, Home Point, Sword Dealer, Blox Fruit Dealer, Marine Rec...
新的NPC位于一个相对容易到达的位置,但也很容易错过。因此,要找到潜水员NPC,你必须前往Blox Fruits中的Tiki Outpost的Sub Port 01。Tiki Outpost位于第三海,这意味着只有高级玩家才能到达。如果你从未去过这个岛屿,那么你需要导航到幽灵城堡,它很容易通过巨大的帆布区分。游到幽灵城堡的右边,你就会找到Tiki Outp...