Elden Ring's Fia the Deathbed Companion's questlineis one that is wrapped in secrecy from the start. The NPC who grants the player a blessing with each of her embraces asks the player if she could return a weathered dagger to its owner, and this small, seemingly innocent act feels like ...
Dung Eater's questline requires players to advance when they bring the Seedbed Curses into his physical form, and the process is truly dark and evil. If you've completed all of Elden Ring's gameplay, starting these Bossfights again and summoning these NPCs may bring you additional surprises...
Frank Ma 是 Ultiverse 联合创始人兼 CEO,毕业于卡内基梅隆大学,是一名忠实的游戏发烧友,曾就职于湾区大型科技公司。 目前Ultivers 团队有100 多人,其中多名成员曾就职于 Gameloft、暴雪、育碧、腾讯等大型游戏公司,并参与过《Elden Ring》、《刺客信条》、《波斯王子》等知名游戏的开发和设计。 Ultiverse 投资机构...
目前Ultivers 团队有100 多人,其中多名成员曾就职于 Gameloft、暴雪、育碧、腾讯等大型游戏公司,并参与过《Elden Ring》、《刺客信条》、《波斯王子》等知名游戏的开发和设计。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 Ultiverse 投资机构 Ultiverse 总融资金额高达 1350 万美金。