马可波罗网(makepolo.com)提供Projector lamp NEC NP4000 Reference: NP04LP投影机灯泡,产品详情:品牌/型号:NEC/VIP/NP4000、投影方式:正投、功率:260(w)W,更多产品详情就上马可波罗网!
1.Do not allow the projector to overheat; the primary cause of lamp failure is excessive temperature stress. 2.Allow the projector lamp to cool for at least 10 minutes after powering down, and never move the projector during this period or while the lamp is on. The lamp is much more sus...
APOG The World's Largest Projector Lamp Specialist
Brand New Projector LCD Prism / Whole Set LCD Panel LCX101A For NEC M300X $19.00 - $69.00 Min. order: 1 piece Brand new MSD Silver 250W/350W stage beam light pattern light dyeing three-in-one bulb lamp $29.00 - $199.00 Min. order: 1 piece ...
通过电动镜头位移, 投影画面的位置可以在垂直和水平双方向进行调整而无需移动投影机。同时,梯形校正功能能够在垂直方向最大±40度和水平方向最±35度的范围内校正不规则画面. 镜头缩放和焦距的调整,以及镜头位移和梯形校正的调整,都能够由遥控器调整, 投影机无需安装到演讲人触手可及的位置. ...