>>>np.random.seed(1)>>>np.random.randn(2,3)# 标准正态分布array([[1.62434536,-0.61175641,-0.52817175],[-1.07296862,0.86540763,-2.3015387]])>>>samples=np.random.normal(loc=0,scale=1.0,size=(4,4))# 正态分布 np.random在生成大型样本时比纯 Python 内建的random模块(且一次只能生成一个值)的...
4.2 for i = 1 to n do 4.2.1 Swap σi with σi+1 and find TFT 4.2.2 if TFT(σi) < TFT(σi+1) set fseq = σi else fseq = σi+1 Step 5: minArr = fseq Step 6: Calculate pbest (mpbest) of particle and gbest (pgbest) of swarm for generating the initial seed ...
create_pretraining_data.py \ --input_file=./sample_text.txt \ --output_file=/tmp/tf_examples.tfrecord \ --vocab_file=$BERT_BASE_DIR/vocab.txt \ --do_lower_case=True \ --max_seq_length=128 \ --max_predictions_per_seq=20 \ --masked_lm_prob=0.15 \ --random_seed=12345 \ --...