DecisionProblemsDecisionproblem.(theanswerissimply"yes"or"no") Xisasetofstrings.Instance:strings.AlgorithmAsolvesproblemX:A(s)=yesiffs∈X.Optimizationproblems.inwhicheachfeasible(i.e.,"legal")solutionhasanassociatedvalue,andwewishtofindthefeasiblesolutionwiththebestvalue.2DecisionProblemsDecisioPolynomialtime...
A client and a server exchange messages consisting of message types and message data. This requires design of a suitable message exchange protocol. This chapter looks at some of the issues involved in this, and gives a complete example of a simple client-server application. Dec 4,...
[5]Thegraph isomorphism problemis the computational problem of determining whether two finite graphs are isomorphic.The problem is not known to be solvable in polynomial time nor to be NP-complete, and therefore may be in the computational complexity class NP-intermediate. It is known that the g...
Provided that the speed of sound in the water column is known, the time interval can be Sounding methods used to calculate the depth of water. Vessels equipped with a single beam echo sounder are able to gather a complete profile off the sea floor General information directly beneath them. ...