cp,complementary phrases 补语短语,np noun 名词短语,vp verb动词短语,ap adjective 形容词短语。pp ,preposition介词短语,deg degree words程度词,det determiner限定词,advp advern 副词。pst, past过去时,infl inflation屈折。
Chomsky曾经 假设任何句子都是由 NP、INFL和VP构成。INFL为屈折成分,有+时态和-时态特征。+时态代表限定式,此时 NP是一 个有语音实体的NP;-时态代表不定式,此时 NP是没有语 音实体的PRQ后来Chomsky将这一假设发展为扩充的投射 原则(EPR),即每一个英语句子,不论内嵌还是非内嵌,限定 3、还是非限定,在所有的...
解析 cp,complementary phrases 补语短语np noun 名词短语vp verb动词短语ap adjective 形容词短语pp preposition介词短语deg degree words程度词det determiner限定词advp advern 副词pst past过去时infl inflation屈折...结果一 题目 语言学树形图中,所有各缩写字母的全称以及意义如V,NP,PP,InflP,pst,deg等等.还有:...
答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 cp,complementary phrases 补语短语np noun 名词短语vp verb动词短语ap adjective 形容词短语pp preposition介词短语deg degree words程度词det determiner限定词advp advern 副词pst past过去时infl inflation屈折... 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
AdvP = adverb phrase (AdvP should be inclulded in VP,verb phrase,e.g."often think wisely") CP= complement phrase IP = is it "Infl P",inflection phrase? DP = D-structure = deep structure S- structure = surface structure Tag = Some of them (with ") are also new words for me,I...
NP = noun phrase, e.g. "a pretty girl"PP = , prepositional phrase, e.g. "mainly about"AdvP = adverb phrase (AdvP should be inclulded in VP, verb phrase, e.g. "often think wisely")CP= complement phrase IP = is it "Infl P", inflection phrase?DP = ?D-structure...
Chomsky曾经假设任何句子都是由NP、INFL和VP构成。INFL为屈折成分, 有[+时态]和[-时态]特征。[+时态]代表限定式,此时NP是一个有语音实体的NP; [-时态]代表不定式,此时NP是没有语音实体的PRO。后来Chomsky将这一假 设发展为扩充的投射原则(EPP),即每一个英语句子,不论内嵌还是非内嵌, ...
AdvP = adverb phrase (AdvP should be inclulded in VP, verb phrase, e.g. "often think wisely") CP= complement phrase IP = is it "Infl P", inflection phrase? DP = ? D-structure = deep structure S- structure = surface structure Tag = ? Some of them (with "?") are also ...