Netflix might not care if you watch this gorgeous, thought-provoking anime, but we do. This adaptation of Naoki Urasawa's acclaimed manga spins off from the ultra-popular Astro Boy franchise, following a series of murders of specific robots around the world. The deaths aren't random; the t...
This thriller was ahead of its time inlampooning the ways that bored rich peopletrying to entertain themselves will be the ultimate destruction of humanity. “Maybe we can have a coupon day,” the lawyer giggles, not long before the T-Rex eats him on the toilet. But Spielberg keeps his sa...
“I’m not up at that level, so I can’t punch through that kind of stuff. So I kept doing it, but I just stopped taking credit.” Maybe those tides are finally turning: Running into Jelly Roll at the iHeartRadio Music Awards in April, the singer fawned over Pain’s “...
Hearing one queer radio DJ shout, "We're being murdered out there in the streets. Wake up, it's time to fight!" you can’t help but feel the parallels to the current attacks on queer and trans life and bodily autonomy happening in this country today. — O.W....
Additionally, we have provided a crypto exchange list to aid in your decision-making process. To get the most out of it, you must consider the best crypto exchange that matches your needs and maximizes your profits. With a clearer understanding of cryptocurrency exchanges, you can make informed...
: Last ChristmasUnwrapped. Additionally, Netflix has the Oscar-winning documentaryWhen We Were Kings, and another sports doc,This Was the XFL. All four are very entertaining, and you can find the rest of our picks among the best documentaries on Netflix below....
We only hope that audience members instinctively knew not to give away cinema’s first ever twist ending and ruin the sting of this fractured horror-fable for their pals. Director Robert Wiene conjured up something truly dark and lingering from its shadows: You can feel Dr. Caligari’s ...
social movements like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo brought diversity and inclusion front of mind as they joined the workforce. Let’s start thinking now about the cultural movements shaping what matters to Gen Alpha. When we get to know their challenges, concerns and priorities, we can start...
When MSCHF first got its hands on a Spot robot (itfinally went on sale last summer), the group of internet pranksters decided to use it as a platform for what may be their most controversial and eyebrow-raising project yet. “I think for a lot of our projects, we see them as sort ...
Despite the strange evidence found at the scene of his death, the family feel like police are ignoring them. The story ends with a revelation no one was expecting, and the thirty-year-old mystery finally begins to unravel. We Mean Well Two old, washed up tik-tokers (@luisadaldin & @...