The meme almost always depicts an attractive person looking sad, with a caption explaining his or her First World frustrations. tumblr Change my mind After Steven Crowder, a conservative podcaster, posted a photo of himself in 2018 sitting at a desk with a sign saying "Male privilege is a ...
This is what happens to me when I come in contact with Garlic Mustard. The swelling and irritation last for 2-3 days even with Benadryl. To be honest, I might just save some Garlic Mustard to rub on my face at's that ugly. Also, unrelated, I need to trim my eyebr...
“Real name Google searches” is a meme that gained popularity in 2018 using the generic google template to depict made-up names for popular celebrities (usually those who go by aliases). According to Know Your Meme, it first appeared showing the rapper Lil Pump's name as “Lilliam Pumper...
The internet has taken the childhood game of “who would win” to a whole new level with this meme. Used topose hypothetical battlesbetween two opposing subjects, the “who would win” meme is said to have begun in 2014 when a 4chan user posted the meme using two video games as opponen...