Despite that harder feeling footbed, the O-Drive absorbs shock from flat landings and from chatter really really well. A large part of that is down to the "Skate Tech" they use, which allows the bindings to pivot as you move from edge to edge. And another part is the bushings which s...
Now Drive 男子单板固定器 · 1个评论 USD$369.95 起 20/21款 写点评 产品属性 适合水平 高级,专家 固定器种类 传统绑带式 硬度 硬 固定器安装方式 传统2x4系统,旧式4x4系统 购买地址 Now Drive Snowboard Bindings $ 369.95 购买地址为网络信息,内容价格未必准确,点击后将跳转至第三方网站,请自行鉴别...
Shop Sale & Outlet Now Snowboard Bindings at evo. Best selection, authentic reviews, and helpful humans. Enjoy Fast FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders and our Lowest Price Guarantee.
When you're ready to send things into overdrive like big mountain rippers Ryland Bell and Manuel Diaz, strap into the Now O-Drive Snowboard Binding. The stiffest, most responsive weapon in Now's arsenal, it has a carbon fiber highback that cranks up the stiffness while reducing weight to ...
PA66-C Buckle Levers –Made from the same high grade composite blend found in the O-Drive hanger. This material is extremely light and strong, reducing overall buckle weight by 20%. Additional Features Skate Tech –Inspired by how easily and efficiently a skateboard turns, Skate Tech mimics th...
【个人总结】: Now Pilot的参数非常接近Now Drive,滑行体验也非常不错。而且比后者自由度更高一些。我选择Pilot是为了装配Yes Greats,作为一款纯Freestyle固定器使用的。除了大绑带磨损比较快以外,没什么毛病。 阅读更多 好看 穿着舒适 做工结实 2020-11-29 发布 有用1 小N_超级奶爸 永远支持朴树 17/18...
The player camera no longer falls through the ground if you are on a boat in the reward screen when another player starts to drive the boat. The torch now works correctly and it will turn itself off when a player gets on a boat. Moreover, if it was switched on before getting aboard,...
Features of this snowshoe include AT bindings that are freeze resistant, even in the coldest of temperatures. There is an add-on Modular Floatation tail that will assist you with being able to move about easily. As well, the Ergo Televators make sure you can move fast without feeling tired...
NVK also received support for more Vulkan extensions, including VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count and VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion, and it also looks like the open-source NVIDIA Vulkan drive will soon support newer Vulkan specifications up to version 1.3....
Hybrid Configuration Wizard with granular configuration feature is now available Today, we are happy to announce the latest release of Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW). As we announced in the Exchange Server Roadmap Update blog post, this new version of HCW allows...