操作步骤: 1、笔记本电脑在关机状态下按Novo键(或使用牙签或针顶一下Novo孔),进入Novo Button Menu界面,选择“System Recovery”敲击回车; 2、选择任务,选择“从初始备份恢复”,再点击“下一步”按钮继续; 3、再点击开始“开始”按钮; 4、点击“开始”后弹出系统分区恢复到初始状态的提示(确认备份好重要数据),...
There's this one novo menu that has just appeared from no where each time I boot my computer. And pressing power button to off does not work anymore, it instead reboots. I have gone through the guide about nova button on Lenovo's website but they didn't say how one ...
电脑开机就无法进入启动界面,显示如下: Novo Button Menu Normal startup BIOS Novo Button MenuNormal startup正常启动BIOS Setup bios设置Boot Menu 启动菜单System recovery。系统恢复都不能用的话说明系统坏了,系统恢复也不能用的话可能是没有恢复备份了。那样的话只
click on the album in the Source list and choose Edit: Select All (or press Command-A) to select all the images in that album. Click on the Desktop button in the iPhoto toolbar. When you do, iPhoto creates a new