he drawls, between his contented whiffs, addressing the two perspiring novices, who have been grinding away steadily up stream for the last hour and a half; "why, Jim Biffles and Jack and I, last season, pulled up from Marlow to Goring in one afternoon - never stopped once. View in ...
freeze it and then use it for a quick weeknight fancy meal. To freeze mushroom ravioli, place the uncooked filled ravioli in a single layer on a parchment lined baking sheet. Freeze the ravioli for an hour or until they are frozen. Place them in an air tight freezer friendly container/...
The professional identity of doctors is evolving with physicians now required to be ‘scholars’, facilitating the education of students and healthcare teammates as educators. Mentoring is widely practiced and is postulated to facilitate professional ide
The professional identity of clinician educators is currently still not well defined, but have previously been thought of as individuals having knowledge of educational principles, possessing skills to perform research using various research methodologies and being involved in roles of administration, teachin...
novice driver training.Within the ToT study, one hour on the driving simulator can be substituted for one hour of on-roadinstruction for up to 50% of the 15 hours of on-road lessons required within the mandatory novicedriver program administered by the Quebec government insurance board (SAAQ)...
The interviews lasted approximately 1 hour. At the beginning of the interviews, participants were asked to define what a prototype is and does. Then the interviewer offered a broad definition of prototypes as ‘three-dimensional physical models, CAD models or two-dimensional sketches or ...
Novice acquisition of skilled recall of chess positions was studied in an experiment in which two novices studied a series of five hundred chess positions during a period of several months. They spent fifteen minutes to half an hour a day teaching themselves these positions. As a result their ...
novice older adults, positioning this work in relation to the previous studies and justifying the need of studying and improving tactile interaction. Section3describes the experience. Section4shows the results of the statistical analysis. Results are discussed on Sect.5followed by conclusions on Sect....
The Scriptures say that in this case Christ arose early. It is fine, of course to pray, at any hour of the day, and in fact the apostles prayed the office of the hours throughout the day. However, it is often in the early morning when we have our most uncluttered thoughts and are...
Methods This was a prospective, observational study conducted in a pediatric ED of an urban tertiary care children's hospital. Pediatric emergency physicians with no experience in bowel ultrasonography underwent a focused 1-hour training session conducted by a pediatric radiologist. The session included...