Poindexter, K. A. (2008). Essential novice educator role competencies and qualifications to teach in a pre-licensure registered nurse education program. (Doctoral dissertation). Western Michigan University. (Accession No. 2010155030).Poindexter, K. A. (2008). Essential novice nurse educator role ...
As clinician educators, doctors not only need to possess educational competencies, but also to adopt values and norms of clinical educators to develop and form their professional identity [10]. The interaction between personal values and beliefs, as well as cultural and institutional contexts has bee...
As clinician educators, doctors not only need to possess educational competencies, but also to adopt values and norms of clinical educators to develop and form their professional identity [10]. The interaction between personal values and beliefs, as well as cultural and institutional contexts has bee...
Developing competencies in the novice nurse educator: An integrative reviewConcern is expressed about the competence of novice nurse educators. This integrative review identifies factors that facilitate or impede nurse educator's transition into an educational role. Quantitative and qualitative literature was...
This article provides a successful methodology designed and systematically utilized for nursing faculty orientation to enhance faculty retention and support faculty transitioning from clinical practice to educator role. The Core Competencies of Nurse Educators was used as the framework to provide knowledge ...
Data were collected by means of a focus group discussion with all nurse educators involved in the research module. Participants acknowledged that they face many challenges. They highlighted a lack of human resources; research experience and competencies; research guidelines; physical resources; and a ...
novice nurse educatorWhen novice nurse educators cross over into the academic threshold, they enter into a state of culture shock. The tenets of teaching, research, and service combined with the expectations of mastering clinical and academic competencies can overwhelm new nurse educators. A ...
The transition from novice to expert nurse educator is achieved along a continuum, as skills are developed and competencies are recognized for their worth and value to the progression of the novice nurse educator towards the goal of becoming an expert nurse educator. A number of studies have ...
The tenets of teaching, research, and service combined with the expectations of mastering clinical and academic competencies can overwhelm new nurse educators. A successful synergistic mentor鈥搈entee relationship is essential for a positive transition to the educator role. This lighthearted adventure of...