O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have asked Three for many favors, but I earnestly implore this one. Take it, place it in Thy open, broken Heart and when the Eternal Father looks upon it, covered with Thy Precious Blood, He will not refuse it. It will no longer be my prayer, but Thine...
Once, when he was passing the night in prayer in the Catacombs, that great miracle took place of the Divine presence of the Holy Ghost descending upon him under the appearance of a ball of fire, entering into his mouth and lodging in his breast, from which time he had a supernatural pal...
Its name deriving from the Latin word "novem," meaning "nine," a novena is nine days-long prayer to obtain special graces, to obtain specific intentions, for thanksgiving, or to prepare for a specific feast, such as Christmas or a Saint's day. Though they are not part of our liturgy...