Karen TumultyJose A DelReal
The attack on the “administrative state” reopens the debate about whether America is ruled by a plutocracy or a democracy. As the authors of one study put it, “if policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America’s claims ...
During the late first Obama years, there was a debate in the ink space about whether playgrounds were too safe because they are made out of materials that are less prone to causing injury. The argument was that the slightly riskier caused children to learn the benefits and costs of risk ...
Hillary Clinton at a rally following the first presidential debate at Hofstra University, Long Island © 2016 Karen Rubin/news-photos-features.com By Karen Rubin, News & Photo Features Most elections involve some measure of hysteria, assertions that they are “transformative,”“historic,” and...
That's, broadly speaking, my position. But one reason I feel no real connection to today's GOP is that there are almost no people in that position in the party as it now stands. The most reliable fiscal conservative, Tom Coburn, is a rabid gay-hater and a theocon. It's simply a ...
THE USUAL SUSPECTS:Believe it or not, there are Western diplomats who don’t like the idea of democracy taking root in Ukraine or of Ukraine joining the European Union. Here’s one former British diplomat in theIndependent, replaying the old debate about the Soviet Union, now tinged with eve...
‘All of you suck’: Why GOP Senate candidate Deaton’s debate quip resonates | John L. Micek Warren vs. Deaton: What you need to know about the 2024 race for US Senate in Mass. The MassLive Interview: 5 takeaways with Republican U.S. Senate candidate John Deaton ...
Of course, Trump could lay this debate to rest by releasing his tax returns, which (unlike every president since Nixon) he refuses to do. In the one year where we have some Trump tax information (2005), Trump paid $38 million in taxes on $150 million in income, about 25%. But $31...
So where’s all the GOP blame for Obama? – The 0-8 Philadelphia 76ers,, who just lost by 53 to the Dallas Maverickst, are making a strong bid to become the worst NBA team ever. Sadly, even if they run the table, this team probably couldn’t even win the draft lottery. – ...
versus $114.5 million for the Senate Leadership Fund,per Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser. But the Senate GOP-aligned SLF went into October with slightly more money in the bank, $112 million to $109 million. These are all massive numbers that guarantee swing-state voters will not be able to esc...