This book caused quite the stir when it came out in 1934, and was even banned in the US for being "obscene." These days, it's usually included on lists of books everyone has to read at least once in their life. It's set in France during the late '20s to early '30s and is bas...
135 V-Day Instagram Captions for Your Cutie Post Rachael Kirkconnell's A+ Galentine's Gift Guide 35 Ways to Celebrate V-Day Solo No More Guessing: What Men Really Want for V-Day 35 Tips for Throwing a Flawless V-Day Party Poly on V-Day? Read This. ...
Perhaps the most famous love story is Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables that is set in Paris, France during the French Revolution. It is always stories where love is produced during hard times that we can identify with the most. Do you have a favorite love story that is featured on this ...
Bardamu is involved with World War I, colonial Africa, and post–World War I United States, returning in the second half of the work to France, where he becomes a medical doctor and establishes a practice in a poor Paris suburb, the fictional La Garenne-Rancy. The novel also ...
Set in Paris in…… 7. Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne As its title suggests, the book is ostensibly Tristram’s narration of his life story. But it is one of the central jokes of the novel that he cannot explain anything simply, that he must make explanatory diversions to add context...
Belle is the first of three novels set in Connecticut, where Simenon settled after divorcing his first wife and marrying Denyse. At the time he wrote the books, Connecticut was within commuting distance of New York City by train but still full of small, quiet towns whose inhabitants could oft...
George Meredith's Ordeal of Richard Feverel (1859) and The Egoist (1879) are analytical tragicomedies set in high social circles. The conflict between man and nature is stressed in Thomas Hardy's Return of the Native (1878) and Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891). Although the great ...
Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images (1897-1962) Who Was William Faulkner? Much of William Faulkner's early work was poetry, but he became famous for his novels set in the American South, frequently in his fabricated Yoknapatawpha County, with works that included The Sound and the ...
The fictional narratives in Portuguese that were published in France comprise an impressive collection for the study of both the rise of the novel in Portuguese-speaking countries and the circulation of printed material between Paris, Rio, and Lisbon. This chapter approaches these books from two ...
Claude Monet was born in 1840 in Paris, France. When he was five, his family moved to a place on the coast where he spent a lot of time on the beaches. It was here that he started to understand novels. As a boy he 21 friends and family by drawing caric