Barbara Dee's fourteen middle grade novels are about smart kids facing real challenges with humor: Violets Are Blue, Maybe He Just Likes You
Teen Titans Go! Roll with It, written by Heather Nuhfer and P.C. Morrissey The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel, written by Ryan North and illustrated by Derek Charm Click Gallery below for full-size Spring 2020 middle-grade covers!View...
Annotations of six novels are offered to show both how their main characters are young people coping with an intensely painful problem and how the novels are useful for study by ninth and tenth grade students. An outline presents ways in which the teacher might lead the whole class in ...
ISBN 978-0-593-69942-3). In a world where pets and even some people have already been swapped for robots, the next step in AI advancement is the classroom. A student named James pushes back against the replacement of his beloved human teachers. Ages 9–...
I found several wonderful nonfiction graphic novels that will also be enjoyed by upper middle grade readers and teens. I chose not to do full reviews for this list, but recommend all of them.Further reading: Shackleton: Antarctic Odysseyby Nick Bertozzi ...
MORE: Graphic novels for Kindergarten - 3rd Grade Pashmina by Nidhi Chanani Find it: Bookshop | Amazon This is a simply lovely graphic novel about a girl who seeks answers about her family. One day, Pri finds a pashmina in an old suitcase. When she puts it on, she is transported to a...
Written by Fanny Britt and illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault, Groundwood Books (ages 9 to 13) This powerful graphic novel touches on the feelings that kids experience while dealing with their parents’ divorce. This story is perfect for exploring emotions and having that tough conversation about di...
(Grades 6–8) Graphic novel creation: For older students, through a few basic story prompts and an investigation of how graphic novels and comics are created, each can try their hand at writing a script and then see how an artist might adapt their script. (Grades 9–12) from SWING IT,...
To research an article about bloodhounds, I interviewed a K-9 police officer and met his bloodhound, Scarlett." While writing about the Okefenokee Swamp, I canoed to Billy’s Island in Georgia, saw tons or alligators, and met a real live swamper." (Reasearch forElsie Mae Has Something ...
For 5th grade and up.Click here to order The Gauntlet at the Hillside Bookshop God and the General’s Daughterby Anne Heagney This is based on the true story of Ethan Allen’s daughter, Fanny! I don’t want to give away too much in this blurb because reading the story is so delightfu...