Definition The word “novella” is the feminine form of “novello,” Italian (masculine) for “new.” The novella has been described as “a short novel or a long short story.” Its length is listed as 10,000 – 40,000 words (some sources say 20,000 – 50,000 or even 15,000 – ...
You might have noticed a theme emerging: be as concise and compelling as possible. A lower word count is the novella’s defining feature. And this demand for economy pushes writers to focus on their central idea with unusual intensity, driving it forward with functional single-mindedness. ...
I take my definition of play from Jean Piaget'sPlay, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood(New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1960). Piaget sees play in a spectrum of possible relationships between the child and reality; on one end of the spectrum he locates im...
This is, of course, a visual version of the more general search for a correct scientific definition of man's place in the natural world, which occupies the Renaissance in all its facets. Masaccio's Trinity terminates the Middle Ages by expressing the essence of medieval Christian belief in ...
But I do not have a better word to describe it. Checksum is a 4-bytes-long data and is related with some parameters. You can go to the definition of function _010Editor::Keygen<_010Editor::KeyType::Base>::CalculateChecksum in _010EditorKeygen.hpp to see how to calculate it. The ...