Moreover, we decided that you might want to undertake your own writing challenge with a different word goal or in an entirely different timeframe. This NaNoWriMo calculator lets you customize every aspect of goal-setting and adjust it to your needs. How to use the NaNoWriMo calculator? Our...
Welcome to our book page count calculator! This tool is helpful for all authors everywhere who want to figure out how many pages their final book will contain based on their current word count. It’s free and super easy to use! How to Use Our Book Page Count Calculator • Select your ...
A novel’s word count can make or break book deals.If you are an author seeking a traditional publishing route, you know that literary agents see copious amounts of manuscripts, and competition is fierce. Just one misstep can put you out of the running. Even a high-quality manuscript will...
The grand average of hydropathy (GRAVY) values were calculated using the GRAVY calculator ( The prediction of transmembrane domains was conducted using TMHMM Server v. 2.0 ( Statistical analysis Data were expressed as mean...
【同】calculate, count, figure ②估计 【同】estimate 【派】computer, computation computer [kəm'pjuːtə(r)] n. 计算机 【同】calculator comrade ['kɔmreid] n. 同志;伙伴;战友 【同】companion 【反】enemy conceal [kən'siːl] v. 隐藏,隐瞒 【同】hide, bury, cover 【反】...
单击指令方框上方的“计算器(Calculator)”图标将打开一个指定符计算的表达式的,在该对话框中输入待计算的表达式。表达式可以包含输入参数的名称和指令的语法,但不能指定操作数名称和操作数地址。 在初始状态下,指令方框至少包含两个输入(IN1和IN2),可以扩展输入数量。在指令方框中按升序对插入的输入编号。 使用输入...
Word List 01 abide[ə'baid]vi.遵守vt.忍受 【记】音似“饿败的(a-bi-de)”。饿得失败了,就得忍受吃胖的命运、遵守失败的惩罚。 【搭】abide by 遵守(读上去很押韵的感觉~) 【近】conform to 遵守(con-开头的单词后面一般加to哦~) abnormal[æb'nɔːməl]★a.不正常的 ...