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A novel similar characters discrimination method for online handwritten Urdu character recognition is proposed in this paper, which includes pre-classification, feature extraction, and fine classification process. The pre-classifier enabled the discrimination of similar characters by putting ...
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11. Durandurdu, M. Ab initio molecular dynamics study of pressure-induced phase transformation in KCl. Comp. Mater. Sci. 48, 672–676 (2010). 12. Recio, J. M., Pendás, A. M., Francisco, E., Flórez, M. & Luaña, V. Low pressure and high pressure equations of state for the...
The gold standard is to use a graft made of human bone, in which autologous grafts are preferred due to the high compatibility. However, this solution is only adequate for small lesions, generates discomfort in the donor zone and commonly results in comorbidities [1,2]. For larger injuries,...
In addition, reportage by the representatives of the people, and the food is of the sahagin, the novel is not wearing red wedding clothes, large movie script of the Qin Emperor in history, such as parent-child, works with many languages such as English, French, Arabic, Urdu translation and...
The enrolled families comprise eight ethnic groups, namely Punjabi (68.6%), Siraiki (10.8%), Pathan (9%), Urdu speaking (7.8%) and others (Sindhi, Afghan, Baloch and Kashmiri (3.8%); Supplementary Table S1). Every family had two or more affected individuals (except PKMR51a) and 111 ...
The historical veracity of this incident lies in doubt, and this doubt has a direct bearing on the text since veracity is one of Ruswa's key concerns and is stressed repeatedly. The frame Ruswa constructs persists throughout the novel, lending it a supposed authenticity by grounding it in ...