By performing a wide scan, we found that simple implications obtained when concentrating on small regions of parameter space cease to be valid, and a much richer pallet of possibilities emerges. In particular, we found regions where one can have two DM candidates contributing equally to the ...
of the fabricated FSSC device based on CeO2/MWCNTs electrode and dFiifgfuerreen1t1s.c aEnlercatteroscrhanemgiincgalfrpoemrfo1r0m0atnoc2e mofVF/SsSwCitdhevvoiclteawgeitwhiPnVdoAw-LoiCf 1lO.24 Vg,e(lbe)lescptercoilfyictec.a(paa)cCitVanccueravsesaat function of scan rate, (c) CD ...
The proposed model provides the global, intermediate, and local features that help better CT scan image feature representation by avoiding spatial loss. The support vector machine, a standard machine learning classifier, is used to classify the normal and COVID images using the GIL-CNN features. ...
Aphid and mammalian ACE proteins have similar sequences and may have broadly similar functions as dipeptidases or by cleaving a single amino acid from the C terminus. However, mammalian ACE proteins are membrane anchored whereas aphid ACEs carry secretion signals, consistent with their detection in ...
Spectra were scanned over the range of 200–2000 m/z at a rate of 20 sec/scan ; 20 scans were combined using the VGMCA acquisition mode. The molecular weight of the toxin was determined using the maximum entropy deconvolution algorithm (MaxEnt) to transform the range of 650/1500 m/z to...
The genes with serine/threonine protein kinase domains and the activation loop T-E-Y or T-D-Y motifs were considered as probable MAPK genes, which were subsequently confirmed by scanning in scan prosite and smart software for the presence of MAPK do- main [92,93]. All datas were checked ...
The genes with serine/threonine protein kinase domains and the activation loop T-E-Y or T-D-Y motifs were considered as probable MAPK genes, which were subsequently confirmed by scanning in scan prosite and smart software for the presence of MAPK do- main [92,93]. All datas were checked ...
In all cases, the mentioned maximum oxidation peak current and reduction peak current stayed fully irreversible or reversible with no significant changes when the scan rates were altered. More importantly, the maximum oxidation and reduction peak currents were directly proportional to the square ...
TRANCE-MRI was statistically compared with the duplex scan, the gold standard to exclude deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the legs, with regard to their abilities to detect venous thrombosis by using Cohen's kappa coefficient at a compatible value of 0.711. It could provide the occlusion degree ...
Spectra were scanned over the range of 200–2000 m/z at a rate of 20 sec/scan ; 20 scans were combined using the VGMCA acquisition mode. The molecular weight of the toxin was determined using the maximum entropy deconvolution algorithm (MaxEnt) to transform the range of 650/1500 m/z to...