original - being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of; "a truly original approach"; "with original music"; "an original mind" 2. novel - pleasantly new or different; "common sense of a most refreshing sort" refreshing new - not of long dur...
Drought, and other climatic extremes, can negatively impact bat survival9,10,14,37, and climate change will likely have a profound impact on population dynamics into the future60,61. Long-term data has linked warmer summers with increasing body mass and mortality risk in the Bechstein’s bat ...
In half of the variants of the task (i.e., 3/6), the “Aim” variants, participants were given a reason for obeying the orders of the experimenter, while this was not the case in the other half, the “No aim” variants. In the “No Aim” variants, I did not provide any reasons...
Counterbalancing can be conducted as with OiP if there is concern that animals have an innate preference to one object type over the other. Unlike the OUL task, training and testing can take place on the same day when assessments of short-term memory are desired. To investigate long-...
In this section, an explanatory example regarding the process of ranking of different nanoparticles is used to elaborate on the implications and practicality of the suggested approach. The ranking of nanoparticles is an important measure of their performance in the industries and other fields. These ...
The other parameters of the BRB expert system are shown in Table 5. Table 1 The reference values and points of the zero-order term drift coefficient. Full size table Table 2 The reference values and points of the primary term drift coefficient. Full size table Table 3 The reference values ...
Other phenomena that trigger sudden changes in individual movement behavior are changes between habitats43 and changes in the amount and quality of information gathered by the searcher7. In this work we propose the use of computer games as a new experimental approach with which it is possible to...
This approach of direct comparison between cells with and without the mutation provides insights into the specific effects of the SLC13A5 mutation on cellular processes. Such studies can clarify the pathophysiology of the disease, and importantly, they can also aid in the development and testing of...
This approach could even be used to examine real-time adaptations to the rules and parameters of digital-physical interactive schoolyards. As such, the work presented here is the first step in what could become a long-term research program of a much wider scope. For future studies that aim ...
The motion of a continuously operating reference station is usually dominated by the long-term crustal motions of the tectonic block on which the station is located. Monitoring changes in the coordinates of reference stations located at tectonic plate boundaries allows for the calculation of velocity ...