Irish potato crop fails; beginning of the Great Famine Benjamin Disraeli's Sibyle; or the Two Nations published Friedrich Engels's the Condition of the Working Class in England published Charles Dickens's Dombey and Son begins Serialization (volume publication 1848) Ten-hour Act limits women and...
Starship. Additionally,ToxB, the gene encoding the chlorosis effector, was clustered as three copies on a 294-kb element, which is likely a different putative ‘Starship’ (dubbed ‘Icarus’) in a ToxB-producing isolate.ToxBand its putative transposon were missing from theToxBnon-coding referen...
Phytophthora infestans, the oomycete that caused the Irish potato famine [30]; in a strain of the fungus Fusarium poae isolated from wheat [31]; in the protozoan Leptomonas seymouri that parasitizes insects and has been involved in
The rise and fall of the Phytophthora infestans lineage that triggered the Irish potato famine. eLife 2013, 2, e00731. [PubMed] 173. Martin, M.D.; Zimmer, E.A.; Olsen, M.T.; Foote, A.D.; Gilbert, M.T.P.; Brush, G.S. Herbarium specimens reveal a historical shift in ...
Ireland on the eve of the Great Famine. Billy Gogan’s father has just died in a British prison, and Billy has been cast from cousin Seamus’s house and forced to make his way to America. Billy and his traveling companions, a destitute Irish peasant woman named Máire and her daughter ...