Nova Scotia Premier to Ask Feds to Remove Provincial Portion of HST from Gas TaxNova Scotia wants provincial HST off gas--HALIFAX - Premier Stephen McNeil said Thursday he...Doucette, Keith
1 Princess Included | Taxes & Travel fees will be added after booking! Read More 30 min 199 Canadian dollars $199 Book Now Fancy Princess Visit 1 Princess Included | Taxes & Travel fees will be added after booking! Read More 1 hr
Physical factors controlling summer distribution of chlorophyll a off southwestern Nova Scotia: Fournier, R.O., M. Van Det, N.B. Hargreaves, J.S. Wilson, T.A. Clair and R. Ernst, 1984. Limnol. Oceanogr., 29(3):517–526. Dept. of Oceanogr., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, NS B3H 4J1...
Living in Halifax comes with the financial burden ofhigh taxes, the highest income tax in the country to be precise. Income and Sales Tax Without large corporations to share the tax load, the burden falls on the residents. The sales tax here is a whopping 15% (HST)on most purchases. Pro...
Nova Scotia Government Promises Sales Tax Reductions in 2014 and 2015: Nova Scotia Promises to Roll Back HST HikeHALIFAX - On the eve of the Nova Scotia budget Premier Darrell Dexter made a surprise promise to...Doucette, KeithTutton, Michael...
152 Outcomes of patients undergoing surgical resection of single brain metastases: a cancer care Nova Scotia Projectdoi:10.1016/S0167-8140(03)80528-5SDOSRadiotherapy & Oncology
Nova Scotia Should Introduce Carbon Tax and Expand HST, Report SaysExpand HST, tax carbon: Nova Scotia report--HALIFAX - Nova Scotia should introduce a carbon tax...MacDonald, Michael
Critics Take Nova Scotia Government to Task over Promise to Cut HSTNova Scotia opposition warns of cuts to come--HALIFAX - Nova Scotia's finance minister says the...MacDonald, Michael
NDP Says Referendum Should Be Held to Bring Back HST for Heating in Nova ScotiaNDP proposes vote over some HST changes--HALIFAX - Nova Scotia's NDP government wants to ensure...Doucette, Keith
Nova Scotia Books in No Shape for Legislated Cut to HST: Finance MinisterProvince in no position to cut HST: minister--HALIFAX - Nova Scotia's finance minister says a cut...Doucette, Keith