61 © 2013 Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Nova Scotia Published by Authority of the Speaker of the House of Assembly Halifax This page is intentionally blank. OCTOBER 1, 2012 CHAPTER 1 OF THE ACTS OF 1994-95 amended 1998, c. 18, s. 557; 1999 (2nd Sess.), c....
The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is a breed of hard-working sporting dog developed in the 19th century in the Little River area of Yarmouth county on the far western peninsula of Nova Scotia. The dog tolls (lures) ducks within gunshot range with it
This report relates to the Small Tree Conservation Act of Nova Scotia, and its applicationdoi:10.1093/jof/46.11.827Boulter E. LJournal of Forestry
Sable Island, a dangerous sand ridge, on which in 1518 a Frenchman, named de Lery, made a fruitless attempt to form a settlement, was before the confederation of the provinces a part of the Province of Nova Scotia, but by the Union Act (British North America Act of 1867) this island ...
Physiotherapy Act NSCP Registration Regulations NSCP Professional Corporation Regulations Corporation Forms Other Acts of Importance Public FAQs Public Consultations Member Resources Standards and Guidelines Advisory Statements Practice Standards Practice Guidelines ...
Invest Nova Scotia is the province’s business development agency. We support the growth and momentum of Nova Scotia businesses of all sizes, and welcome businesses from elsewhere to join us here.
图书Manual of the Public Instruction ACT and Regulations of the Council of Public Instruction of Nova Scotia 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
of保护消费NovaHouseAct新斯科舍省新斯科舍保护法消费者 系统标签: scotianova保护法新斯科舍actconsumer ConsumerProtectionAct CHAPTER92OFTHEREVISEDSTATUTES,1989 asamendedby 1994,c.16;1998,c.8,ss.22-25;1999,c.4,ss.3-9; 2001,c.40;2006,c.25;2007,c.35;2011,c.55;2012,c.19 ©2013HerMajestytheQu...
The gun ban was enacted through regulations approved by an order-in-council from cabinet and not through legislation. These steps of civil disarmament have not been debated in Canadian Parliament like it used to be before the COVID−19 pandemic. Thank you to every Canadian who signed the...
Members of the Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists act to fully ensure public protection in the provision of quality physiotherapy practice. Our Mission The Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists assures that the interests of the public are upheld through the regulation and promotion of competent...