In addition to being a lawyer, I am a Notary Public for the Province of Nova Scotia. If you need a document notarized, I can do so. Legal Aid Certificates People who qualify for legal aid representation, but who cannot be represented by a staff lawyer because of a conflict of interest,...
EMM LAW (formerly known as a Evans MacIsaac MacMillan) has been providing a full range of legal services to clients in the Cape Breton region and beyond for over 60 years from our offices in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia. We have developed lasting relationships with our clients and a reputatio...
REPUTATION. STABILITY. CONFIDENCE. Since 1864, Blois, Nickerson & Bryson has provided legal services in Nova Scotia and now offers a complete range of legal services to its clients in Nova Scotia and throughout the world. Our clients benefit from a solid and diverse framework of legal representa...
📌Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 💼office and administrative support ⌚ 7 days ago 🔗 View Salary and Additional Details🎯Get Your Ai Resume Score for this Job Staff Lawyer (Sexual Offence Legal Representation Program (SOLR) 📑 NOVA SCOTIA LEGAL AID COMMISSION STAFF LAWYER – SEXUAL OFFENC...
Lawyer to challenge anti-cyberbullying law--HALIFAX - The decision to allow or deny a charter...Doucette, Keith
The parents, who were both neglected as kids, present socially as young adolescents. The appeal court denied the couple any future access to their boys
Each province has its own specific law with specific rules governing which family members are entitled to make a claim, how the claims are to be assessed, and the amount of damages that can be recovered. For example, in Nova Scotia claims for loss of care, guidance and companionship can ...
When a healthcare provider’s negligence causes a patient’s harm or injury, that patient and the patient’s family need immediate, sound legal advice. In Nova Scotia, take your injury claim to a Halifax medical malpractice lawyer. Your lawyer will investigate how you were injured, spea...
Nova Scotia Judge Convicts Former Knowledge House CEO, Lawyer of FraudNova Scotia Judge Convicts Former Knowledge House CEO, Lawyer of FraudKnowledge House CEO, lawyer guilty of fraud--HALIFAX - Two key architects behind a sophisticated...Bund...
Nova Scotia Beach Rentals are a perfect choice if you want to spend the weekend off somewhere nice. Here, we have a list of beaches that are amazing and each beach offers something unique. Of course, all these beaches have one thing in common and that is that they are beautiful and spa...