The largest city in Nova Scotia is also Halifax. What time zone is Nova Scotia in? Nova Scotia is officially in the Atlantic Time Zone. What is the population of Nova Scotia? As of the last StatCan census in 2016, Nova Scotia has a population of approximately 923,598 people. Map of N...
The map of Nova Scotia cities offers a user-friendly way to explore all the cities and towns located in the state. To get started, simply click the clusters on the map. These clusters represent groups of cities located close to each other geographically and as the map zooms, the individual...
Other notable cities in Nova Scotia include Truro 13,193 (2021), Amherst 9,733 (2021), New Glasgow 9,531 (2021), Bridgewater 9,042 (2021), Yarmouth 6,866 (2021), and Kentville 6,703 (2021).HistoryThroughout thousands of years, the North Coast has been inhabited by aboriginal peoples...
Choose Cape Cliff, Nova Scotia Location Map Zoom: Regional Map |Local Map |Detailed Map Contours:Roads & Rivers:Select a tide station / surf break / city --- Use this relief map to navigate to tide stations, surf breaks and cities that are in the area of Cape Cliff, Nova Scotia. Othe...
Wolfville, Nova Scotia City: Wolfville Province: Nova Scotia Country: Canada Category: citiesNearest citiesTravelmath helps you find cities close to your location. You can use it to look for nearby towns and suburbs if you live in a metropolis area, or you can search for cities near any ...
Map of Nova Scotia (Canadian province) - 1777 handpicked & photosphere free locations -- Check my profile to play Canadian & French (and more) maps #CANADA #PROVINCE #HANDPICKED #WERDOK Created by Werdok Updated 5/30/2022Moderate Avg. score 11,394 5.8k Explored this map 1000+ Location...
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia City: Yarmouth Province: Nova Scotia Country: Canada Category: citiesNearest citiesTravelmath helps you find cities close to your location. You can use it to look for nearby towns and suburbs if you live in a metropolis area, or you can search for cities near any ...
Discover diverse landscapes & rich history with Infoplease's Nova Scotia map atlas. Explore major cities, geographic features, & tourist attractions in Canada.
Nova Scotia, is one of Canada's Atlantic Provinces. With just under one million inhabitants, it is the largest of the four and generally considered to be the touristic hub of the Maritimes.Map Directions Satellite Photo Wikivoyage Wikipedia...
Location: Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada, Canada, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude45.16601° or 45° 9' 58" north Longitude-64.20633° or 64° 12' 23" west Open Location Code87QQ5Q8V+CF OpenStreetMap IDnode 2493967995 OpenStreetMap Featurenatural=water Geo...