Elevate your experience in Nova Scotia's bustling capital city with a stay at Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel...<... Hotel 4.5 View details Halifax Residence Inn by Marriott Halifax Downtown With stylish accommodations, unparalleled service and a prime location in the heart of Halifax'...
Find all the helpful info you need to plan your visit to Nova Scotia, Canada. Discover the top things to see and do, along with unique experiences.
Fintel reports that on January 5, 2025, CIBC CAPITAL MARKETS upgraded theiroutlookfor Bank of Nova Scotia (NYSE:BNS) fromNeutraltoOutperform. Analyst Price Forecast Suggests 9.31% Upside As of December 24, 2024, the average one-yearprice targetfor Bank of Nova Scotia is $56.85/share. The fo...
Elevate your experience in Nova Scotia's bustling capital city with a stay at Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel...<... Hotel 4.5 View details Halifax Residence Inn by Marriott Halifax Downtown With stylish accommodations, unparalleled service and a prime location in the heart of Halifax'...
Founded in 1995, Invest Nova Scotia is a venture capital firm based in Halifax, Canada. The firm seeks to invest in ocean technology, seafood, information communications technology, agri-food, advanced manufacturing, naval defense, financial services, digital media, clean technology, and life science...
Halifax is the capital city.Nova Scotia is home to many exciting opportunities. It was the site of the first permanent European settlement in North America. With no Florida due to its location, it became a hub for fishing, shipbuilding, and transatlantic shipping. The name Acadia (French: ...
2024年7月30日,联影医疗披露接待调研公告,公司于7月1日接待3W Fund Management Limited、AIHC Capital Management Limited、Bank of Nova Scotia (The)、Banque De Lux、G42 Fund等257家机构调研。公告显示,联影医疗参与本次接待的人员共3人,为联影医疗董事会秘书、首席投资官TAOCAI,四川玖谊源粒子科技有限公司...
Nova Scotia, a maritime province, is situated in the easternmost part ofCanada. It is the second smallest but the seventh most populous among the ten provinces. The province is celebrated for its picturesque towns, tranquil beaches, stunning islands, water sports, public gardens, and its capita...
Discover all that the town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, has to offer! Learn what to see and do in Lunenburg.
Fintel reports that on August 28, 2023, CIBC CAPITAL MARKETS maintained coverage of Bank of Nova Scotia (TSX:BNS) with a Neutral recommendation. For more in-depth coverage of Bank of Nova Scotia, view the free, crowd-sourced company research report on F