is the official website for the province of Nova Scotia. It is the one place to find all government services and information.
Currently employed as a physiotherapist in a Canadian jurisdiction and applying to practice in Nova Scotia through a Provisional, Cross Border Practice License Are not currently suspended or under investigation in another jurisdiction. AND Have a total of 1200 practice hours in the preceding 5 yrs Yo...
Registration information for the applicants returning to work and who were previously licensed in NS, or in a Canadian Jurisdiction: Previously employed as a physiotherapist in Canada or Nova Scotia and returning to work in Nova Scotia. Completed the PCE or were Grandfathered in (registered in Cana...
1.The Owner is the owner of certain lands locatedin the County of ___, Province of Nova Scotia, Canada, identifiedas [PID xxxxxxxx or apparent PID xxxxxxxx, if not land registered], as moreparticularly described in the attached Schedule “A” (“the Lands”) and indicatedon the [survey ...
Hypertension control re- sults from the Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia registry and impact of changing clinical practice guidelines. Cardiovas Diabetol 2005; 4: 11Russell, C., Dunbar, P., Salisbury, S., Sketris, I. & Kephart, G. (2005) Hypertension control: results from the ...
This registry provides useful clinical and statistical information to staff, providers within the circle of care, management and senior leadership. Data are used to support individual care, program planning, quality improvement and business planning at both the local and the provincial levels. The DCP...
Nova Scotia Labour-Sponsored Venture-Capital Tax Credit New Small Business Tax Deduction Certificate Information Sheet HST Tax and Rebates Other Comparative Tax Rates Phone Numbers Registry of Joint Stock Companies: TF:1-800-225-8227; 902-424-7770 Department of Finance: 902-424-5554 Environment an... is the official website for the province of Nova Scotia. It is the one place to find all government services and information.
This registry provides useful clinical and statistical information to staff, providers within the circle of care, management and senior leadership. Data are used to support individual care, program planning, quality improvement and business planning at both the local and the provincial levels. The DCP...
A PROVINCIAL REGISTRY TO FACILITATE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT RELATED TO DOOR TO NEEDLE TIME IN NOVA SCOTIAdoi:10.1016/j.cjca.2019.07.435N. GillS. Arklay-LehmanC. AlexanderS. AtkinsonK. GoudeyK. HarriganJ. LambK. RoachM. WhiteElsevierCanadian Journal of Cardiology...