As well we have a large & varied general stock of both second-hand & antiquarian titles. Categories include travel, art (film, photography, painting, sculpture, architecture, dance, music, &c), world history & literature, university & school histories, militaria, theology & church history, phi...
1.4 million people have applied for Portugal citizenship Ukraine and Turkey received the highest number of Bulgarian citizenship grants in 2024 In 2024, out of the 16,000+ Bulgarian citizenships that were issued, Turkish and Ukrainian nationals were the top beneficiaries. The table below has details...
Integrated Bioscience Section, Graduate School of Science and Technology, National University Corporation Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan Chapter 7. Looking Backwards and Forwards to the Rights of All Animals: Analogical Natural Law and ‘Total Liberation’ ...
The parish church is in the village of Reay within Caithness and therefore most families identified themselves in documents, obituaries and on monuments as “Native of Caithness-shire” regardless of which side of the county border they came from. All of those arriving in Earltown were residents ...
学院介绍——信息管理学院/InformationManagementSchool 任务、目标/MissionsandAims 新里斯本大学信息管理学院认证和证书/NOVAIMS’AccreditationsandCertifications 开设课程/Programs 本科课程/UndergraduatePrograms 本科信息管理专业/UndergraduatePrograminInformationManagement ...