NOVA revolves around a simple premise: the world of science is exciting! For NOVA viewers, science means adventure and exploration, because from ants to aliens, this documentary series probes the far reaches of earth, sea and stars. NOVA proves that scie
PBS Documentary TV-G Watchlist Where to Watch A weekly documentary series, each episode providing an in-depth look at a different subject of scientific research. Subjects examined by this show have included the cutting edge of theoretical physics, a return to the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, the lo...
For the science lover in all of us, NOVA has been providing some of the very best content for years now, and it's not available on cable programming. This PBS show shows you don't need to go out and spend money on cable and satellite just to receive interesting and in depth material...
This clearly demonstrates the nearly unlimited scope of the innate ability children possess to decipher ANY language, provided they are exposed to it constantly from a very early age!This PBS/NOVA documentary takes us on a step by step journey, lasting nearly 2 centuries, where each researcher ...
1、The ancient Egyptians created some of the greatest wonders on Earth,古埃及人创造过一些举世瞩目的奇观pyramids, temples, statues,如金字塔 寺庙 雕像but they are far less known for their mastery of the sea.然而 他们的航海术却鲜为人知People never think about the Egyptians as seafaring people, ...
pbsnova新星纪录片目录大全新星大全目录pbs纪录片novanovapbs新星pbsnova PBS - NOVA新星(也许是全球最好的科学纪录片) NOVA.新星 ││├─1421.中国发现美洲 ││├─3D Spies of WWII.二战的三维间谍.720P.S39E11 ││├─A Daring Flight.冒险飞行 ││├─A Man, a Plan, a Canal - Panama.一个男人...
PBS - NOVA新星(也许是全球最好的科学纪录片) NOVA.新星 ││├─1421.中国发现美洲 ││├─3D Spies of WWII.二战的三维间谍.720P.S39E11 ││├─A Daring Flight.冒险飞行 ││├─A Man, a Plan, a Canal - Panama.一个男人一个计划一条运河-巴拿马 ││├─A Walk to Beautiful.走向美丽 │...
orange soil. Analysis back on Earth proved the mission a success. They had found remnants of volcanic glass. The eventual theory was that billions of years ago, the moon was a magmatically turbulent place, where lava explosively burst from the low-gravity surface to great heights before raining...
1、没有什么比狮身人面像更能代表Nothing represents the mysteries of ancient Egypt古埃及的神秘more than the Great Sphinx.古埃及人是如何建造出这座蹲伏的How did the Egyptians build this crouching lion,狮身人面的动物来的呢human-headed creature?这是古埃及所建造的最大雕像This is the largest statue eve...