More examples may be found in the./worksubdirectory. dtrm0_bg Simulate recursive decoding for RM codes, AWGN channel. RM code is recursively decomposed down to (0, m) and (m, m) nodes. Specific simulation parameters: RM_m m- RM m parameter. Integer, positive, non-zero. Required. ...
The ten examples of the Kalama Sutta are a surefire defence against intellectual dependence and not being one’s own person, that is, neglecting one’s own intelligence and wisdom in dealing with what one hears and listens to (paratoghosa, the “sound of others,” in Buddhist terms). Whate...
or propagates onto all the parent elements, all the way up to the root of the document, and finally it will even send the event onto the entire window object. It is important to remember, that any DOM node can call the stopPropagation method to stop the event from bubbling up to furthe...
mounted an effective corporate takeover of most of the environmental movement. Examples of what we might call Machine Environmentalism have been embraced by the corporate sector, big NGOs, global institutions and most of the intellectual class, most obviously in the ‘Green New Deals’ that are p...
( novoassembly of paired-end reads was performed using Velvet v. 1.2.1048and ak-mer length of 91, as well as the CLC Genomics Workbench (CLC Bio, Aarhus, Denmark)de novoassembler with default parameters (word size = 23). Cont...
Thhee nammee of the species 'gaienssiiss'' is a two-word combinnaattiioonn ooff the root of the ancient Greek 'gaia' (signifification: land//EEaarrtthh))aannddtthheessuufffiixx''eennssiiss''iinnddiiccaattiinnggtthheeoorriiggiinn.. Holotype (designated here): The strain SAG 2638 ...
And you could point to several examples of James’ playing being the counterpoint to the vocal melody. And just a couple of weeks ago, I got to be part of the team of people who sang and performed for him when he was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame....
The such examples do not render tho Hebrew story of Evo's seduction and this afternoon, mother, with Charley's assistance, took it from might be incorrect. Tho Clairvoyant alleged that Mrs.--- was exhalations from tho earth 'and other planets form the great atmo more than probable,...
vimarśanattil kuluŋŋiyilla criticism-LOC shake-PAST-NEG 'Did not waver in criticism' Most locative relations involving –il cannot be explained based purely on locative meanings as they are derived from complex semantic relations at a deeper level as can be seen in the examples below. ...
Every word is a complex organization of different aspects, linguistic and extra-linguistic. Because of this, researchers have difficulty in capturing all the intricacies of language organization and word organization to arrive at a universal definition of word. However, attempts have been made both ...