The National Economics Teaching Association (NETA) is currently accepting conference proposals for this year's theme, "Innovate. Elevate." Share your best ideas for teaching undergraduate and high school (AP) level Economics, covering current issues and incorporating creative activities in your course....
Quality processes at National and International level Knowledge Management Student Selection Criteria in Interdisciplinary Studies Security and Data Protection User-Generated Content Pedagogy Cross-disciplinary areas of Education Teacher Education Education practice trends and issues ...
starting a new phase after an aggressiveinflation-fighting campaign of 11 rate increases between spring 2022 and summer 2023, and then a 14-month period of holding the Fed's benchmark rate at its highest level since 2001.
"Unit economics for Wingstop franchisees remain some of the best in the industry," she said. "Coupled with new supply chain initiatives supporting stable food costs, we believe top-notch franchisee unit economics/profits set the company on a path to mid-teens unit growth in the next few yea...
have a wide range of applications in various fields including operations research, machine learning, and economics. While greedy algorithms have been known to achieve this approximation factor, our algorithms also provide a dual certificate which upper bounds the optimum value of any instance. This ce...
Thus, if you have already completed revision of wholesyllabus of CA Intermediateat least once, you should evaluate your preparation level by solving Question Papers. You may also solve Revision Test Papers (RTP) of last 2-3 years. CA Intermediate Questions Nov 2023 ...
“The goal is to look at American history, from Indigenous cultures to the present, through the lens of sports, with a focus on race, gender, and power,” said history professor David Cline. “We also look at many other aspects of American society, including economics, class, access, ...
“My objective when I ran for president, was to build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out. It’s a fundamental shift, compared to the Oz and the mega MAGA Republican trickledown economics,” Biden said, referring to Fetterman’s GOP opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz. As the crowd...
The water sample was obtained from the production well 6069 (43°22′33.3″ N, 52°59′27.1″ E), exploiting the Lower Cretaceous layer G, located at 350 m below sea level and having a temperature of 25 °C. Formation water belonged to the calcium-chloride type and had a total ...
Energy Economics Conferences Nuclear Power Conferences Energy Policy Conferences Plant Biotechnology Conferences Environmental Management Conferences Power Engineering Conferences Environmental Pollution Conferences Process Engineering Conferences Environmentals Conferences ...