Use this activity to teach your students how to properly use common suffixes on words ending in y to make them plural. Click here to get started!
es s ies 3. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt Nouns that end in a vowel followed by "y" change into plural form simply by addition of: es ves ies s 4. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt To form the plural of a noun that ends in -f or -fe, we replace the -f or -fe ...
that ends with a consonant followed by the letter Y. When this is true, you need to drop the Y and add an IES. For example, the noun fly ends in an L and a Y. To correctly spell the plural form of FLY you would replace the Y with and an I and add ES. When a noun ends ...
1 quiz – 2 quizzes When the noun ends inCONSONANT + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES to the noun. 1 city – 2 cities 1 baby – 2 babies 1 story – 2 stories 1 country – 2 countries Note when a noun ends in...
If there is vowel before ‘y’ just add s to form its plural.For example: Boy – Boys Day – Days Trolley – Trolleys Toy – Toys Rule 3 When a singular noun ends with ‘o’ after a vowel, add ‘s’ to make it a plural noun.For example: ...
If the singular noun ends in a vowel + y, simply add -s to form the plural. For example, “day” becomes “days,”“key” becomes “keys,” and “boy” becomes “boys.”It’s important to note that there are some exceptions to these rules, especially when it comes to irregular no...
BUT NOT AFTER—VOWEL+Y boy boys /bɔɪz/ toys toys /tɔɪz/ key keys /kiz/ monkey monkeys /ˈmʌŋkiz/ day days /deɪz/ play plays /pleɪz/ FE or F → V + ES When a word ends in-For-FE, we change theFtoVand add-ES. ...
Nouns that end in a vowel followed by "y" change into plural form simply by addition of: es ves ies s 4. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt To form the plural of a noun that ends in "-f" or "-fe", we replace the "-f" or "-fe" with: s ves ies 5. Multiple Choice 30...
Nouns名词 Objectives:• Tobeabletoknowwhatanounis;Tobeabletoknowhowtomakethepluralformforacountablenoun;Tobeabletousenounstomakeasentence.• • Whatwillwelearninthisclass…1.Definition;2.Countablenounsanduncountablenouns;3.Thepluralofnouns;4.Possessivenouns;1.DefinitionWhatisnoun?1定义:表示人、物、...
If the noun ends with-yand the letter before the-yis a consonant, change the-yto-iand add-esto make the noun plural. Examples: army– armies, supply- supplies, sky- skies Nouns ending in-ffbecome plural by adding-s Examples: tariff - tariffs, sheriff - sheriffs, plaintiff - plaintiffs...