One commonly used exception to this rule is that the plural of ox is oxen. An EN is added to the word to pluralize it. Very few words in English use the EN ending as a means to pluralize a word. Another common word that uses the EN plural is child which uses children as its plura...
A. The suffix -en can be used after nouns to form adjective and after adjectives to form verbs. Study the examples, and then list some words that end with this suffix in the space provided. Add more if you can.suffixexamples-en (adj.)golden, wooden-en (v.)brighten, strengthen-en (a...
I just learn norwegian, I don't know many differents in word's endings(
Nouns that end in -f Words that end in -f or -fe are irregular when made plural. To change a singular noun into a plural noun, replace the -f (or -fe) ending with a -ves. The following examples fit this mold: knife and knives ...
1. Singular nouns: To make a singular noun possessive, simply add an apostrophe and an “s” at the end. Example: The cat’s tail (the tail of the cat). 2. Plural nouns ending in “s”: For plural nouns that already end in “s,” add only an apostrophe after the “s.” Examp...
There are some nouns which require you to add an “-es” in order to make them plural. Oftentimes, these are nouns that end in a double “s,” as we don’t put three s’s consecutively in English. There are other instances where “-es” is used, such as when a noun ends in...
We add the plural suffix –es to most words that end in o.tomato → tomatoes hero → heroesWe add the plural suffix –s to words of foreign origin (Latin, Greek, Spanish, etc.)piano → pianos photo → photos video → videosNote: While you won’t be expected to know which words ...
Sometimes that vowel loss is followed by an internal assimilation where the consonant ending of the previous consonant becomes hard or voiceless; for example, the word for "transcript" or "records": zabıt—>zaptı Some nouns end with a back vowel (a/ıo/u) but take a front vowel...
Gerundsare formed from verbs and end in -ing, but they function as a noun. When you say that you are studying for an exam or apologizing to your sister, you’re using a gerund. Non-countable nounscannot be pluralized. You’d never say musics—instead you refer to all music as music...
Just as you add an –s or –es in English (such as cats or buses), you add the same endings in Spanish. The rules of their application are just a bit different. For nouns ending in a vowel, add an –s to make it plural. For nouns that end in a consonant, add –es to make...