besides havinga masculine or feminine genderandfall into a given category. In this grammar lesson, we will cover the basic rules for the plural of Spanish nouns and will apply these rules in real sentences so that you understand how to make words plural and use them in ...
for example, is just that). Compound words, known in Spanish aspalabras compuestas, are quite common. They are frequently coined, sometimes for humorous effect, although not all impromptu compound words survive or become widely known. An example iscomegusanos, a worm eater, which you won't f...
Pencilsalwaysbreakbefore a test. - What breaks? Practice. Noun as Subject- Definition, Examples, Quiz. Identify the subject of a sentence. Noun as Subject Complement Subject Complement(also Predicate Nominative or Predicate Noun) comes after a linking verb (to be, to become, to remain) and is...
Pencils Preparation Print out anoun sorting matand anoun listfor each student. Introduction Write the following two sentences on the board or chart paper: The girl walked her dog. Lucy walked her dog Rufus. Ask students, “What is the difference between these two sentences?” Allow them to ...