Nounsendingin‘y’Nounsendingin[y]precededbyavowelformtheirpluralsbyadding[s].Day–daysBoy–boys Nounsendingin‘f’Somenounsendingin[f]or[fe]aremadepluralbychanging[f]or[fe]to[ves].elf–elvesknife–knives MoreIrregularnouns….Irregularnounsaremade pluralbychangingvowels,changing...
Nouns that end in ‘o’ preceded by a vowel are made plural by adding -s. 以元音“o”结尾的名词通过加-s变为复数。When the ‘y’ follows a consonant, changing ‘y’ to ‘i’ and adding -es. 当“y”跟在辅音字母后面时,将“y”改为“i”并添加-es。When the ‘y’ follows a vowel...
The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding s to a singular noun. Example: lamp,lamps; cat,cats; fork, forks; flower, flowers; pen, pens Exercise: Write the plural of each of these nouns chair star farm storm door rock owner paper cup bear Rule #2 Nouns ending in s, z, ...
While most plural nouns follow a set of rules, there are some exceptions that can be confusing for English learners. Here are a few examples: Nouns ending in -f or -fe Most nouns ending in -f or -fe form their plurals by changing the -f or -fe to -ves. However, there are some ...
- Final "-y" is preceded by one vowel letter: attorney - attorneys boy - boys chimney - chimneys guy - guys key - keys play - plays ray - rays toy - toys - Ending in "-f", "-fe": calf - calves half - halves knife - knives ...
If a noun ends in "-y" preceded by a vowel, the plural is formed simply by adding "-s", e.g. boy--boyskey--keys The plural of noun ending with "-f" or "-fe" is formed, sometimes by adding "-s", sometimes by changing "-f" or "-fe" to "-ves". For this there is no...
Yis treated as a consonant for this rule:la ley, the law;las leyes, the laws. Words Ending in S Preceded by an Unstressed Vowel The plural form is the same as the singular form for nouns ending in an unstressed vowel followed bys. ...
Henry--Henrys Mary--Marys If a noun ends in -y preceded by a vowel, the plural is formed simply by adding -s, e.g. boy--boys key--keys The plural of noun ending with -f or -fe is formed, sometimes by adding -s, sometimes by changing -f or -fe to -ves. For this there ...
pianos IF THE NOUNS END IN “-Y” AND ARE PRECEDED BY A VOWEL, IT TAKES “-S” Singular Boy Play Monkey Holiday Tray Plural Boys Plays Monkeys Holidays Trays IF THE NOUNS END IN “-Y” AND ARE PRECEDED BY A CONSONANT, “-Y” FALLS DOWN AND WE ADD “-IES” singular Lorry Lady Di...