Singular nouns ending in 's', 'ss', 'sh', 'ch', 'x', or 'z' Remember that these nouns need an 'es' added to the end to become plural. Try changing the following singular nouns to plural ones. 1. class 2. fox 3. pouch 4. buzz Irregular nouns Irregular nouns that end...
Farming, marketing, beginning, ending, with-ing Nouns with irregularplurals s Exceptions: s, sh, ss, ch z , the plural is normally formed by adding -es Examples Bus > buses, Bush > bushes, Match > matches, Mass > masses, Buzz > buzzes, ...
Most nouns ending in -o form their plurals by adding -es to the singular. However, there are some exceptions. Here are a few: Singular NounPlural Noun piano pianos photo photos halo halos zero zeros Irregular Plurals There are some nouns that have irregular plural forms. Here are a few ex...
It is also possible that for few nouns ending with ‘o’ preceded by a consonant, we add the letter ‘s’ to form their plurals.For example: Piano – Pianos Photo – Photos Rule 5 If a singular noun ends with a sound like ‘s’ such as ‘ss’, ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘x’, ‘z’...
Nouns ending with s, ss, z, zz, x, ch, sh, and tch are made plural by adding "es" to the singular form: wish - wishes watch - watches fox - foxes bus - buses If a noun's singular form ends with a consonant plus y, you must change the y to I and then add "es": ...
Singular Book Ear Eye Jacket Cardigan Shop Plural Books Ears Eyes Jackets Cardigans Shops NOUNS ENDING IN “-S, -SS, -ZZ, -CH, -SH, AND –X, -O” TAKE –ES TO THE END TO MAKE PLURALS singular Wish plural Wishes Gas Fox Dress Gases Foxes Dresses Hero Heroes Potato Potatoes BUT; ...
Examples chair→chairs With most nouns +s computer→computers hamburger→hamburgers class→classes Nouns ending in ss, sh, ch, and +es x dish→dishes watch→watches box→boxes photo→photos Nouns ending in o +s(for most nouns)or +es video→videos zoo→zoos tomato→tomatoes mango→m...
•bananas•eggs•walnuts •anapron Emily'sshoppinglist perfume sweets anewdress abook • 精品PPT •Countablenouns •bananas•eggs •walnuts •anapron •sweets •anewdress •abook Uncountablenounsfloursaltbutterperfume 精品PPT Countablenouns •Countablenounsarenounsthatwecancount.•...
Nouns ending in s, sh, ch,x + es; 上传时间:05-29 [教案] 牛津译林版《Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns》教案模板下载初中英语七年级上册 一、写出下列名词的复数形式:1.bus 2.wish 3.photo4.potato 5.tomato 8.knife 9.man10. foot 11.tooth 12.sheep13. child 14. ...
Nouns ending in s, sh, ch,x + es; 上传时间:05-29 [课件] 七年级上册牛津译林版《Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns》课件模板 potatocarrottomatomeatbeaf porkfruitmango banana lemon apple orangedrinkscoke juicemilk coffeenounsCountableNounsUncountableNouns可数名词不可数名词名词Step2, Lead inA ...