Nouns ending ineauaddxto form the plural: le bateau(boat) becomesles bateaux(boats) le bureau(office, desk) becomesles bureaux(offices, desks) le cadeau(gift) becomesles cadeaux(gifts) le chapeau(hat) becomesles chapeaux(hats) le château(castle) becomesles châteaux(castles) ...
Nouns ending -us: Nouns ending -eau: Nouns that take -es: Nouns ending with -ch, -s, -sh, -x (xe) ,-z (ze), add -es: match --> matches glass --> glasses flash --> flashes tax --> taxes blaze --> blazes Nouns that end in -o: Most add -es: hero -->heroes...
In French, nouns can bemasculine(masculins)orfeminine(feminins). This is known asgender. We can sometimes recognise anoun’s gender by its ending, but the only way to be sure is to always learn nouns together with theirarticle(le/unorla/une). ...
-asme, -isme, -eau, -ment, -acle masculine (M.) l'aide helper (F.) l'aide help le vase vase la vase mud nouns ending in -au, -eau, -eu, -or -oeu add X(except: le landau (carriage), le pneu (tire), add S) 最好的學習方式。免費註冊。 註冊代表你接受Quizlet的服務條款和隱...
The noundents(teeth) is always used in the plural although the compound noun is singular. This is because we brush all our teeth, not just one. un chef-d’œuvre/des chefs-d’œuvre The wordœuvrerefers to an abstact concept in this compound noun, meaning that it stays in the...
摘要: The existence of correlated response classes in verbal conditioning experiments means that the response class actually being conditioned cannot, in general, be uniquely determined. Methods of analyzing the data from such experiments in order to reduce the indeterminacy are proposed.关键词:...
The conflict in gender assignment to feminine nouns ending in -o or to masculine nouns ending in -a is resolved through vernacular sequences such as los manos (the.m-pl hand.f-pl) and los mediodías (the.f-pl noon.m-pl)16. Even educated speakers hesitate in the gender assignment to ...
The conflict in gender assignment to feminine nouns ending in -o or to masculine nouns ending in -a is resolved through vernacular sequences such as los manos (the.m-pl hand.f-pl) and los mediodías (the.f-pl noon.m-pl)16. Even educated speakers hesitate in the gender assignment to ...