3.of or belonging to the grammatical category of number used to indicate that a word has more than one referent, aschildrenorthem, or in some languages more than two referents, as Old Englishge“you.” n. 4.the plural number.
I like films with plenty of action. New York is where the action is. If you want to know where all the action is around here, just ask Jo.effect [uncountable] action of something (on something) the effect that something such as a chemical has on something Vitamin D can be made ...
S h e open e d her bag an d took out her passport .EYES4 [vn, v] if you open your eyes or your cyes open, you mov e your eyelids upwards so t hat you can s e e closeCOMPUT ING5 [vn, v] t o start a computer program or fil e so that you can us e it on th e ...
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S h e open e d her bag an d took out her passport .EYES4 [vn, v] if you open your eyes or your eyes open, you mov e your eyelids upwards so t hat you can se e closeCOMPUT ING5 [vn, v] t o start a computer program or fil e so that you can us e it on th e ...
rather than the pains that these Old Masters have taken to imitate life, Utarit deliberately shrouds his compositions in a characteristically eerie stillness, creating undercurrents of tension and anxiety, that culminate in a sense of the uncanny through the juxtaposition of the familiar with the unfa...
2.Noun clauses beginning with that or if/whether. Section B Period Three. course n. 课程;学科 Words Review. 宾语从句 阳光外国语学校 吴迅雷 宾语从 句宾 语从句 概念 :句子的宾语一般由名词、代词、 动名词或动词不定式充当,当一 个句子充当宾语时, 我们把这个句 子叫做宾语从句。 宾语从句的三要点...
He knows the heavy rain will stop two hours later and a car will pick him up before dinner.(3)It is the first time that Jill sees snow. She is excited to see the white trees and white houses. She is playing with her friends and making a snowman.(4)It is 8 am now and Julia ...
More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All Weird Words for Autumn Time 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) ...
S h e open e d her bag an d took out her passport .EYES4 [un, v] if you open your eyes or your eyes open, you mov e your eyelids upwards so t hat you can se e closeCOMPUT ING5 [vn, v] t o start a computer program or fil e so that you can us e it on th e ...