题目 9 A verb that ends in "-ate" can become a noun with a simple addition of "-(tion)". Each sentence with the correct form of the word given in the brackets.1. Tom looks forward to the Chinese New Year___(celebrate) each2. A symbol of the Spring Festival___(decorate) is...
Neil's mother is calling him from the UK.尼尔的妈妈正从英国给他打电话。TIP: When a name ends in -s, we also add 's.提示:当名字是以-s结尾时,我们也加's。Charles's car查尔斯的小汽车Presents for the students给学生们的礼物The students have some presents for the exchange students, bu...
The stories follow a pattern that always begins with the names of two people and ends with the sentence 'And the consequence was…’ Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app. Check pronunciation: ...
To navigate the site, probably the easiest way is to click on the “Starts with” menu with the beginning letter you’re looking for. For a noun that ends in a certain letter, first click to “Nouns ending in” link to be taken to a menu with A, B, C… through Z choices. ...
In the case of aplural possessivethat ends ins, you simply need to add anapostrophe(‘). For example: thegirls’coats theSmiths’house thetigers’pen thecomputers’manufacturer When we come tosingular possessivesthat end ins, the waters get a little bit muddier. The most popular method used...
Doubly funny, considering that a self-deprecating sense of humor is normally one of the last things that one would associate with Goldberg. While they (to my knowledge) never explicitly said "I am the State",Those Wacky Nazisspent much of their time and effort in promoting that image. For...
a legal inference as to the existence or truth of a fact not certainly known that is drawn from the known or proved existence of some other fact presumptuous (/ prɪˈzʌmptʆuəs /) overstepping due(適當的) bounds (as of propriety or courtesy) : taking liberties 放肆的;冒昧的...
Creating the possessive form of a proper noun follows the same rule as the possessive of a common noun. Add ‘s if the word is singular or if the word ends in s just the apostrophe. Plural nouns that end in s get an apostrophe at the end. ...
The three languages that utilize light verbs are head-final or SOV type languages. Is this an accident, or is this scarcity of inflecting verbs somehow related to headedness? This is the essence of the main question that we explore in this paper: (1) Does the verb-to-noun ratio differ...