/ˈhænʊkə/, /ˈxænʊkə/ /ˈhɑːnʊkə/, /ˈxɑːnʊkə/ (alsoChanukah) an eight-day Jewish festival and holiday in December (or sometimes starting in late November) when Jewish people remember the occasion when thetemplein Jerusalem wasdedicatedagai...
TheseareallCOMMONNOUNS;therearealsoPROPERNOUNSwhicharethenamesofaspecificperson,place,eventetc.,usuallystartingwitha capitalletter,forexample,Ulaanbaatar,Khosoo,Tsagaansar,Friday.ANOUNcanbeextendedtoaNOUNPHRASE.Intheexamplephrasesgivenbelow,thenoun(inthefirstexample)andthenounphrase(intheremainingexamples)isin...
peopl e used clay tabiets (土板) with special Th e project aims to do translations for different ancient languages, starting writing to remember and shat e important information about their history.with Akkadian. "W e hav e a lot to learm from ancient lustory; th e first letters The...
v. "JJ" POS tags of grouped POS tagged sentence: DT nn2 VBD rb1 JJ IN rb1 POS tags of generic rule rank 1: nnxa VB JJa Outcome: "JJ" is compared with "JJa". The match is found. All the tags in rule has been matched. The next tag is matched starting from first POS of ...