The meaning of NOUN PHRASE is a phrase formed by a noun and all its modifiers and determiners; broadly : any syntactic element (such as a clause, clitic, pronoun, or zero element) with a noun's function (such as the subject of a verb or the object of a v
The meaning of NOUN PHRASE is a phrase formed by a noun and all its modifiers and determiners; broadly : any syntactic element (such as a clause, clitic, pronoun, or zero element) with a noun's function (such as the subject of a verb or the object of a v
noun phrase n (Grammar)grammara constituent of a sentence that consists of a noun and any modifiers it may have a noun clause, or a word, such as a pronoun, that takes the place of a noun. Abbreviation:NP Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harpe...
British Dictionary definitions for noun phrase noun phrase noun grammar a constituent of a sentence that consists of a noun and any modifiers it may have a noun clause, or a word, such as a pronoun, that takes the place of a noun: Abbreviation: NP Collins English Dictionary - Complete & ...
What is a noun phrase? Understand the definition of noun phrases, learn to identify them in a sentence, study their function, and see examples of...
Definitions of noun phrase noun a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb synonyms: nominal, nominal phrase see more Cite this entry Style: MLA "Noun phrase." Dictionary,, phrase. Accessed 12 ...
Also read:What Is a Conjunction? Definition, Types & Examples Noun as an object complement A noun or noun phrase functions as an object complement when it follows a direct object and provides further description or identification of that object.The object is typically described or renamed by an...
How is a noun phrase used as an object in a sentence? Noun phrases function as objects when they receive the action of a verb in a sentence. They can be direct objects, indirect objects, or objects of a preposition. Here are some examples: ...
•Definition:Nounphraseisaphrasewithanounasitshead.Itisthenounheadthatdeterminesthewaythenounphraseisorganized.4.1Classificationofnounsandfunctionofnounphrases •1.Classificationofnouns•A)wordformationSimplenouns:anounthatcontainsonlyonefreemorpheme(man,chair,land,faith)Compoundnouns:anounthatiscomposedoftwo...