Number forms of the proper noun lProper nouns are unique in reference and therefore have no plural forms, except for such proper names as the United States, the Philippines, th 39、e Netherlands, etc. which are themselves plural in form. When a proper noun takes a plural ending, it takes...
• The reason is, that in proper names the intention is to exclude all other individuals of the same class, and fasten a special name to the object considered; but in the words sun, earth, etc., there is no such intention. Check your understanding(3) ...
19、tion pluralslSummation plurals denote tools, instruments, and articles of dress consisting of two equal parts which are joined togetherlNames for things made of two parts such as scissors, pincers(钳子钳子), calipers/callipers(火钳火钳), shades(太阳太阳镜镜), glasses/spectacles, shorts, trous...