gerund- a noun formed from a verb (such as the `-ing' form of an English verb when used as a noun) common noun- a noun that denotes any or all members of a class Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
This type of compound noun is often confused with the other two types. Usinghyphensto form compound nouns is particularly common in newer or rarely used words. If a compound noun is formed from more than two words, it will almost always use hyphens. know-it-all, mother-in-law, show-off...
In honor of the extravagantky gifted pianist and composer Martial Solal, who moved to another neighborhood on December 12. He was 97 and still active. Here he is in a duet recital with alto saxophonist Lee Konitz, performed and recorded as part of the Lennie Tristano Memorial at “Berlin ...
Someborrowedwordshavetwopluralforms:aforeignpluralandEnglishplural,eg:Medium—media—mediumsCurriculum—curricula—curriculumsForsomenouns,theirsingularandpluralnumbersharethesameform,eg:adeer—tendeeronefish—severalfishaJapanese—agroupofJapanese 12 3.2.Numberformsofthecollective,material,abstractandpropernoun ...