behaviour的动词形式是behave; observation的动词形式是observe; specialize的名词形式是specialization; advertisement的动词形式是advertise; connect的名词形式是connection; organize的名词形式是organization; inspiration的动词形式是inspire; argument的动词形式是argue; permit的名词形式是permission。反馈...
used to say in an angry manner that although you are not happy about something that someone has said, you are not going to argue Oh OK, then. Have it your own way. have a way of doing somethingused to say that something often happens in a particular manner, especially when it is ...
I argue that the positioning of nominal modifiers with respect to the head of simple nouns cannot be adequately handled by an N-raising derivation. This is so because nouns fail to move as heads in the grammars of Hebrew and Arabic. The only heads that seem to be able to move are those...
This paper explores a theory of the meaning-form relation based on ranked and violable constraints [A. Prince, P. Smolensky, 1993. Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, and University of Colorado, Boulder], using the English genitive con...
A growing number of people feelthat animals should not be exploited by peopleandthat they should have the same rights as humans, while others arguethat humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research. ...
We take this pattern as providing further initial evidence that constituents in the left peripheral focus position surface there as a result of movement, given that they can reconstruct. 2.3. Serial Verb Constructions 2.3.1. Background As mentioned in the introduction, we argue that constructions ...
However, this is a matter of much debate, as some popular writing styles allow only an apostrophe so that thesingularpossessive ending insappears like this:Chris’backpack. This is technically improper, as this is how we form apluralpossessive that ends ins. ...
However, some people might argue that you can identify some abstracts with your senses. For example: You can see an expression ofanger. You can sensefresh air. So it might be more helpful to think of them as something that you can’t physically hold, i.e., concepts, ideas, experiences...
You can add a prefix (前缀) to a word (usually a noun, a verb or an adj- tive) to form a new word. e.g. the father and son were black, dressed in clothes that were just about as in- expensive as you can buy. (in-expensive) I did, and just as I was about to reboar...