material noun exercise 2 – change the gender the lioness was ready to pounce. the actor acted quite well in the movie. my uncle lives in new york. my father works in a government office. the gentleman gave me this chocolate. the king ruled with sincerity. she was the duchess of ...
exercise tenses exercises active and passive voice exercises articles exercises simple present tense exercises modals exercises direct and indirect speech exercises english tenses past tense past continuous tense past perfect continuous tense past perfect tense simple past tense present tense present continuous...
In the exercise below, fill in the blanks with a verb that forms a collocation with the noun in green. You will need to conjugate the verbs, and in some cases, you may need to use a phrasal verb (e.g. “fill out,”“take off,” etc.). Note that this exercise contains common ...
Idioms 1 Idiomatic expressions with the definite article (see 7.21 Idiomatic expressions with the indefinite article2 Idiomatic expressions with the zero articleExercise in class: Decide whether each sentence needs an article1. Light t 28、ravels faster than _. (sound2. Be quiet, please. Dont ...
(7)the human shape,considered from the point of view of being attractively thin:doing exercise to improve one's figure(8)a pattern or series of movements performed on ice:figureskating*be/become a figure of fun:be/become sb.that others laugh at*cut a…figure:sb.with ...
Download noun course materials PDFfor your registered courses. Get prepared for thenoun tutor-marked assignments (TMAs) exercise. CheckNOUN TMA Timetableupdates GetNOUN exam past questionswhen necessary
名词(Noun)上海市金卫中学俞雪斌 一、名词的分类 Tomisaboyinmyclass.名普通名词boy,class词 专有名词Tom 1.国名、地名:专有 Japan(日本)Africa(非洲)Paris(巴黎)2.月份:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 名JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 词NovemberDecember 3.星期:ThursdayFridaySaturdayWednesday TuesdayMondaySunday ...
名词(Noun)名词(Noun)定义+讲解+习题 名词 表示人、物、地点等名称的词 ▪XMisaspecialboy.▪Helikesmilkandbread.找出名词 ▪Hehasthousandsofjobs.▪ButhelikestobeHarryPotter,forhecanhavespecialmagicpower.Hisfamilyareproudofhim.名词 分类 专有名词普通名词 可数名词复数变化不可数名词特点 规则名词变...
If you exercise or run on a hot day, you should drink some water to keep yourself cool. Remember to cool down yourself.G. It is not hot or sunny today. There are some clouds in the shy. It is good weather for a walk outside. You can go out of your house and enjoy yourself. ...
aboard, slight, slightly, wealthy, misty, downtown, approximately, broad, nearby, terrified, pleased, impressive other useful expressions: rather than, in the distance a new grammar item: noun clauses as the appositive →Step 4 Practice Show the exercises on the screen or give out ex...